FinFolio - StockCalc

Make investments decisions fast using fundamental valuations across all your portfolios


At StockCalc we fundamentally value 8000 equities each night and 800 ETFs, 146 industries each week, empowering advisors to effortlessly take control over their client holdings. Stockcalc has been designed to quickly value companies and ETFs.

FinFolio advisors can leverage StockCalc to:

  • Quickly see your clients holdings valued each day
  • Analyze under and overvalued equities
  • Generate customized valuation reports
  • Holding look-through reporting

StockCalc pulls current account information and calculations data directly from FinFolio.

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About FinFolio

FinFolio is the portfolio management software that advisors love to use. Report, bill, trade and host mobile-friendly client portals, all with a single app.


About StockCalc

At StockCalc we help advisors understand the value of the companies and ETFs they are investing in.


Top Features

  • Portfolio look-throughs
  • Under or over valuations
  • Look-through reporting
  • Daily valuations